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Love Remote Reiki Healing

Love Remote Reiki Healing

Love Remote Reiki Healing

-Promotes union& clear communication

-Activates communication if there is none

-Activates kundalini experience if already in unuion

-Clears out codependency

-Activates chakras, calibrates clogged or blocked chakras & induces alignment

-Amplifys love, passion & union

-Increases magentic love & graviates twins or soulmates together


How it works?

-Email first and last name of you & your person & send a picture of you and them together or separate


-Once Reiki healing is complete you will recieve an audio message from me via email, elaborating on what I felt during the healing including downloads & channeled messages, an update on the energies & any changes you may see,feel or experience.  

  • Certified Reiki Level 2

    Spiritual Advisor Francesca is certified Reiki Level 2 by the International school of Reiki 

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